Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Philadelphia Zoo

Today Gabby and I went to the Philadelphia Zoo with the little girl I babysit Rachel and her Mom Jen. It was a total blast! It was pretty muggy so I was sweating like a pig, but besides that it was fun. Gabby and Rachel didn't pay too much attention to the animals but did seem like they liked a few. Gabby is a total people watcher like her mommy. She could just sit there and watch people walk by all day long.

The best part of the zoo was the Treehouse. The girls LOVED it! Gabby was running all around like a mad woman! She actually walked up to a little boy who was about 5 years old and playing on the floor and pulled his hair. What am I going to do with her? I seriously have my hands full, but I love every minute of it! I can be a bit crazy so it is only fitting that Gabby be wild and crazy just like her mommy!

We spent about 4.5 hours there so when it was time to leave both girls fell asleep in their strollers and slept the whole way home! I can't wait to take Gabby back and hopefully next time bring Mike. He would get a kick out of watching her run around!

On non-zoo related news....before the zoo I was getting stuff out of the Jeep (stroller, carseat, etc.) to get ready to pack into Jens car. Well Gabby leaned back on the screen door and it opened and she fell out. She let out a little chuckle and I picked her up and she went on with her business. 2 accidents in one day and she is fine! I am pretty lucky! I always keep a good eye on her but it may be time for a baby leash (hahahaha).

Here are some pictures I took today at the zoo. I wish Gabby would stay still so I could get more pictures of her face not just her looking down. My camera has a delay and I always miss the great shot!

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