Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just for you Granny Pammy!

Today we went to the aquarium and it was also fun! Gabby loved looking at the fish but when it was time to see the big ones she was glued to my side. I kept her in the stroller most of the day because she is too heavy to carry and push a stroller and there were way to many people there to be letting her run around...especially when I didn't have help. Here are a few shots...

Looking at the little fishys. She didn't care for the big ones!

See the hippo in the background?

Here fishy, fishy!

The City of Brotherly Love! A view from Camden! Just for you Pam!

How my daughter likes to greet people! I sure hope she grows out of this!

And here is your video! She was super tired from the day! She showed you her pretty hair and blew you kisses! I wish dad could see it. Maybe you can have him come sit in your office like Brian! :)

4th of July!

So I haven't updated in awhile. Boo on me! We had a fab 4th of July weekend. Took Gabby to a parade and she loved it. She really enjoys just checking things out. Here are a few pictures from the day!

This is Miss Thing at the park!

I love this picture! She always does this face when she either loves something she is eating or hates it. In this case she was loving it. Daddy let her have a taffy so got at the parade!

Watching the parade and trying to figure out how to get "that stupid" hat off!

Sitting in her wagon enjoying a taffy (with the wrapper on).

On Sunday (the day after the 4th, also known as the 5th :)) we took her to the fireworks because at the parade she didn't flinch at the sound of the firetrucks so we thought maybe she would enjoy them. We were right! She loved it! She just kept watching in amazement and saying "WOW" over and over! She had a blast playing with all the kids beforehand and even met herself a few "boyfriends". One little boy asked Mike how old she was and he said "14 months", the little boy responded "but I am only 7". That cracked us up. I told him you can't explain age to a kid in months. Next time say 1 year!

Monday, June 29, 2009

This tooth will be the death of me!

Just hit me in the head with a metal shovel.............PLEASE. Now I have dry socket, or so the dentist says without even seeing me. I can't go until tomorrow night because all they have are day appointments and I babysit so that isn't going to happen. I am just glad that I may finally have some relief, even if it is 2 weeks after the fact.

We had a great weekend. Saturday we went to a birthday party for the little girl I babysit for. She is one! I can't believe how fast babys grow. It is craziness. Gabby had a blast at the party. I normally let Mike be the "main caretaker" when he is home, just so he knows what it is like. After the party he was so tired from chasing Gabby around. If he only knew what it was like with two of them! It is so much fun, but I am dog tired by bedtime!

Yesterday we went to the Berlin Farmers Market, just for something to do. We didn't really buy much, just a hat for Gabby and some fruit and veggies! It was so hot and the whole time Gabby was in the stoller she was chewing on her feet (her new fav. thing). I love days when the three of us get to spend family time together. It is so nice. While sometimes I want to strangle Mike, I do miss him when he is working and we all know Gabby misses her Daddy!

Well here are some cute pics I took of Gabby today! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Contest

Visit this blog to enter a contest to win a awesome prize

Read the blog too! It is a mommy of beautiful baby girl twins!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


A fellow nestie/bumpie is having a giveaway on her blog!
Visit for a chance to win http://journeytojames1-27.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Philadelphia Zoo

Today Gabby and I went to the Philadelphia Zoo with the little girl I babysit Rachel and her Mom Jen. It was a total blast! It was pretty muggy so I was sweating like a pig, but besides that it was fun. Gabby and Rachel didn't pay too much attention to the animals but did seem like they liked a few. Gabby is a total people watcher like her mommy. She could just sit there and watch people walk by all day long.

The best part of the zoo was the Treehouse. The girls LOVED it! Gabby was running all around like a mad woman! She actually walked up to a little boy who was about 5 years old and playing on the floor and pulled his hair. What am I going to do with her? I seriously have my hands full, but I love every minute of it! I can be a bit crazy so it is only fitting that Gabby be wild and crazy just like her mommy!

We spent about 4.5 hours there so when it was time to leave both girls fell asleep in their strollers and slept the whole way home! I can't wait to take Gabby back and hopefully next time bring Mike. He would get a kick out of watching her run around!

On non-zoo related news....before the zoo I was getting stuff out of the Jeep (stroller, carseat, etc.) to get ready to pack into Jens car. Well Gabby leaned back on the screen door and it opened and she fell out. She let out a little chuckle and I picked her up and she went on with her business. 2 accidents in one day and she is fine! I am pretty lucky! I always keep a good eye on her but it may be time for a baby leash (hahahaha).

Here are some pictures I took today at the zoo. I wish Gabby would stay still so I could get more pictures of her face not just her looking down. My camera has a delay and I always miss the great shot!

Escape Artist

Gabby has really be surprising me these past couple of days! She is doing so many things and most of them are just plain crazy! She is climbing like a champ and into things that I thought were way out of reach. This morning we did our normal routine only she had other ideas.

I fed her breakfast and then put her highchair in the living room and put on Noggin. I am not a fan of TV as the babysitter but a girl needs to pee and brush her teeth. So I ran upstairs to do my "normal" thing. Go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Only this morning I didn't brush my teeth because I have a huge toothache and was waiting for the Tylenol to kick in. Thank god the routine was changed up and I was only upstairs for 2 minutes because when I walked down.....Gabrielle was STANDING on her highchair tray. I never strap her in because I am usually there with her and thought there was no was she could get out with the tray being so close to her chest. It scared the crap out of me. I ran and caught her before she feel.

Moral of the story...straps from now on!

I want to start updating daily with photos for those of you who don't get to see my little one on the regular but I am already falling behind.

Off to the zoo! Will post more photos tonight!